In the 1950s (in the nineteen fifties), the nuclear family emerged probably because American people needed to be reassured / they sought reassurance. They turned inward to their family.
The perfect picture was a married couple with children. Everyone tends to that ideal. The counter-effect/aftermath is that there’s pressure on everybody to stick to the model.
The man has to be manly (not emotional) and he is the breadwinner. The husband leaves home in his suit and tie in the morning for work. He is the ruler, the father-figure.
The woman is supposed to be subordinate and submissive. She doesn’t work outside the home. She is expected to be an obedient and compliant housewife.
Everybody has to live up to (être à la hauteur de) their role. Male is more valued.
The gender roles are totally stereotyped.
1°) The series of ads for a brand of coffee named Folger’s showing couples arguing over/about the taste of coffee.
Each time the husband complains about the terrible taste of the coffee made by his wife. Very often the man is aggressive with his wife. He even yells at her sometimes. Surprisingly for us today, all the wives just strive to content/satisfy their husband by trying to improve the taste of their coffee.
The advertisers remind us of the fact that at that time a woman could not be self-centered but was meant to fulfill her husband’s happiness, not her own happiness.
She makes every effort to please her husband.…
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